Wojciech Czekaj

Wojciech Czekaj

Job Title

Financial Controller


Innovation Nest is my first serious job after graduation from university. I have been working here for the past 5 years. For the past 2 years in my spare time I am also gathering additional experience in ecommerce sector as an independent financial controller

What do I do at IN

I take care of all the portfolio companies financial and business data. Through gathering various kinds of performance reports I am building an internal data management system that serves the purposes of preparing external and internal reports, valuations etc. In the scope of investment transaction process, I take care of financial due diligence. I am also generally responsible for financial administration of our organization.

What do I like the most about this job?

I really like the flexibility and trust with which we treat each other at Innovation Nest. I am also happy to be part of the venture capital industry, which in my opinion plays a very important role in the modern economic ecosystem.